Our Hub delivers world-class development programmes for teachers at every stage of their career. Drawing on the passion, expertise and capacity from across all of Tower Hamlets and Hackney, we equip teachers with the knowledge, skills, motivation and confidence they need to make a difference for every pupil in our region.
The East London Teaching School Hub is one of 87 Teaching School Hubs designated by the Department for Education. Each Teaching School Hub has a specific geographical area: our Hub has a responsibility to all state schools in Hackney and Tower Hamlets.
Our Hub, through an ethos of collegiality, inclusion and transparency, ensures every teacher has equal access to a clear and all-compassing pathway of professional development.
We are based at Mulberry School for Girls, but we work collaboratively with school leaders and key strategic partners, using a place-based approach, to build a network which supports excellence in teacher development and enhances a professional learning community of practice.
We are dedicated to being better together through this collaborative approach, harnessing the best ideas, expertise and talent from across the area to continue improving outcomes for every pupil through exceptional teaching.